Here’s Canada’s new food guide:
Doesn’t this look a lot like the USDA’s MyPlate?
Actually, the Canadian guide is better. Even though it retains the annoying “Protein” section (we don’t eat protein; we eat foods containing protein and lots of other nutrients), it drops the dairy requirement. Even better, it comes with mostly useful suggestions: [my comments]:
- Be mindful of your eating habits
- Cook more often
- Enjoy your food [Yes!]
- Eat meals with others
- Use food labels
- Limit foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat [alas, the usual switch from foods to nutrients when talking about eating less]
- Be aware of food marketing [yes, but lots more on this please]
I can see why this has been greeted with some enthusiasm and less criticism than usual:
- Globe and Mail: “good upgrade, skirts around inequality”
- Yoni Freedhoff’s Weighty Matters: “a giant step forward”
- Bill Jeffrey’s Food for Life Report: still fuzzy about amounts and reflects industry lobbying
- (from the program 22 Minutes)
The documents
- Canada’s new food guide
- Canada’s food guide snapshot
- Revision process
- Canada’s Dietary Guidelines
- History of Canada’s food guide
- Healthy eating recommendations
- Evidence behind Canada’s food guide