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Food Politics

3 подписчика

The Alcohol Saga continues

So much is happening on the alcohol frontier these days that it is getting hard to keep up.  Let’s start with the multiplicity of reports on alcohol and health arriving one after another.  I’ve written about the NASEM and Surgeon General’s reports recently.  I’ve also written recently about their

FDA’s Front-of-Package nutrtion label: Open for public comment

With much fanfare, the FDA released its proposed rule for a new front-of-package summary of the Nutrition Facts panel.  I’ve written about the history of this previously. Of all the options tested (Food Fix had the best summary), the FDA picked this one—not my first choice. Why not?  I don’t think

Weekend reading: Former President Biden’s food-and-farming legacy

OOPS: A reader alerted me that all links have been taken down by the new administration. In his last weeks in office, former President Biden issued a Fact Sheet on the food system investments achieved by his administration. The Fact Sheet divides the achievements into several categories. Building

Industry-funded study of the week: Pork and handgrip strength!

Charles Platkin sent me this  article from Food Manufacturing: “Eating pork linked with better handgrip strength, industry group says.” I quickly found the The Pork Board’s press release. And went right to the source. The study: Jung A-J, Sharma A, Chung M, Wallace TC, Lee H-J. he Relationship of

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